Summer Camps for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

The EPILOGI KOINSEP aims at providing services of social welfare nature to infants, children and people with disabilities, while placing particular emphasis on children with autism spectrum disorders. Its activities are focused on the provision of programmes of psychological support and counselling to children and families, therapy programmes (speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc.), as well as alternative therapeutic activities (art therapy, play therapy, drama therapy, etc.), aiming at the psychosocial rehabilitation and reintegration of people dealing with mental health problems.

As part of its activities, EPILOGI KOINSEP organises summer camps for children with autism spectrum disorders, thereby enabling them to participative in creative activities, such as painting, music, constructions and applied physical education, aiming at reinforcing their self-confidence as well as enhancing their skills and socialisation. The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation supported this initiative by partially covering the operating cost of the creative engagement summer programme that was implemented during the summer of 2019.


  • 40 children participated in the summer camps in 2019.


“With the Foundation’s support, we provided 40 children with disabilities aged 5 to 12 access to a programme with various and specialised activities. Among others, children participated in music, painting, speech therapy, applied physical education and construction workshops, which are important to their everyday life.”

Kiriaki Grigoriadou

President of the Steering Committee


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