Reconstruction and radiation shielding works

In 2020 a donation by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation has allowed for the architectural reconstruction and the radiation shielding of the area where a new 64-slice CT scanner has been installed; the scanner was procured by the Greek State for the CT and MRI Department of the “Sismanogleio – Amalia Fleming” General Hospital of Attica.

The main purpose of this donation was the modernisation of the Sismanogleio Hospital’s CT and MRI Department, the acceleration of the execution of the works required to ensure the Department’s seamless operation, and the protection of the medical staff and patients against the harmful radiation to which they are exposed.


  • Operating on a 24-hour basis, the CT and MRI Department performs approximately 20,000 scans per year.


“This donation offers a direct solution to the operation of the new Unit and to the overall innovation of the CT and MRI Department. In addition to the reconstruction of the area that will host the new equipment provided by the Greek State, the Department’s second CT scanner, previously donated by the Latsis Foundation, has performed approximately 60,000 scans since 2017.”

Dr. Petros Antonopoulos

Director, CT and MRI Department

President of the Scientific Council, “Sismanogleio – Amalia Fleming” General Hospital of Attica


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