Programme Supporting Scientific Societies
Programme Supporting Scientific Societies

The Scientific societies present rich scientific and educational activity; they implement research programmes and promote the public dialogue and communication between the scientific community and society. Moreover, they are constantly linked with universities, as a large number of their members are postgraduate students, researchers and academics offering their services voluntarily. Over the past few years, most of the societies have not had the resources to continue their activities, as their funds come from vulnerable sources and they do not have access to state budget and European Union research funding, as they are not among the eligible research organisations.

In 2016, John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation announced the launch of a new programme to support the research activities of scientists in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. In this context, it funded activities that aimed to support and reinforce scientific societies, unions, associations and other related organizations and groups based in Greece, aiming to:

  • Upgrade infrastructure for the further strengthening of existing and future activities.
  • The extroversion and establishment of partnerships with relevant organisations in Greece and abroad
  • New activities that will develop the organisation.


Programme Supporting Scientific Societies
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