Greek students excelled in the 53th International Mathematical Olympiad
18 Jul '12

Greek students were awarded one Gold, one Silver and three Bronze Medals as well as one Honourable Mention at the 53rd International Mathematical Olympiad


The Hellenic Mathematical Society is very proud to announce the award of one Gold, one Silver and three Bronze Medals as well as of one Honourable Mention at the 53rd International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) that was held in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, from 4 to 16 July 2012.

The International Mathematical Olympiad is an institution of a high scientific level, in which the greatest mathematical talents from nearly all over the world participate.

Greece participated with a team of six students, all of whom excelled. Specifically:

  1. Panagiotis Lolas - Gold Medal
  2. Panagiotis Dimakis - Silver Medal
  3. Alexandros Mousatov - Bronze Medal
  4. Athinagoras Skiadopoulos - Bronze Medal
  5. Konstantinos Tsinas - Bronze Medal
  6. Zacharias Tsambasidis - Honourable Mention

Based on their great talent in mathematics, these students continued the long tradition of success of Greek teams in the International Mathematical Olympiad, thus giving credit to the work of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, which prepares and supports the efforts of these students, always on a voluntary basis. The journals published by the Hellenic Mathematical Society – "Euclid A" for lower secondary school students, "Euclid B" for higher secondary school students and "The Little Euclid" for primary school students – are supporting material for these competitions since they include the questions and the answers of each year’s Panhellenic and International Competitions as well as similar questions and problems, and they are overseen by the Competition Committees.

It is worth noting that Greece wins a Gold Medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad for the second year in a row.

The students were accompanied by Mr Anargyros Fellouris, Associate Professor at the National Technical University of Athens, and Mr Evangelos Zotos, Mathematician.

Since 2010, the competitions as well as other activities of the Hellenic Mathematical Society are funded by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation. Additional information can be found here.

“The great success of Greek students at the 53rd International Mathematical Olympiad held in Argentina must not and cannot be considered as an isolated fact. It simply shows that Greek students, as a whole, have enormous capabilities and progress potential, when they are provided the right environment. The Hellenic Mathematical Society is an organisation that continuously and systematically cultivates this potential for progress and hope, through its love for the science of mathematics, and it is precisely in this context that the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation has decided to fund and support its actions.”

said Mr Dimitris Afendoulis, Secretary of the Executive Board of the Foundation.

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