Donation of Firefighting Helicopter Buckets for heavy-duty helicopters to the Hellenic Fire Service
05 Jul '17

A ceremony for the delivery of two wildfire water buckets for heavy-duty helicopters was held at the premises of the 1st Special Disaster Response Unit (EMAK) in Elefsina, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Toskas. The equipment was donated by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, which was represented by the Secretary of the Executive Board Mr. Dimitrios Afendoulis.

The special plastic buckets, with a capacity of 7600 lt, were donated to the Command of the Hellenic Fire Service and will be made available to the Hellenic Army Aviation, in order to be used by Chinook helicopters, subject to the operational needs of the Fire Service during the fire-fighting season.

In their speeches, the Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Alkiviadis Stefanis and the Chief of the Fire Service Lieutenant General Vasileios Kapelios extended their gratitude to the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation for its donation and its contribution to the society at large, promising to make the best use of the equipment received.

In his brief speech, Mr. Afendoulis mentioned among other things:

“[...] Our belief is that in the battle to protect the lives and properties of our fellow citizens and our natural resources, as well as to guarantee quality of life for future generations, it is imperative for the State, private initiative, public benefit organisations and the citizens themselves to join forces, since their individual contributions ̶ subject to their capacities  ̶  are invaluable to the country's Citizen Protection [...]".

The event was attended by the Secretary General of Civil Protection Giannis Kapakis; the Lieutenant General (retired) Ioannis Vyzantios, who is Special Adviser on air support to the Ministry of Citizen Protection; the Fire Service Deputy Chief of Administrative Support Lieutenant-General Sotirios Terzoudis; the Fire Service Deputy Chief of Operations Lieutenant-General Ioannis Vasileiadis; the Assistant Coordinator by the Chief of the Fire Service Major General Ioannis Ramfos; the Commander of Regional Fire Services Administration of Attica Fire Service Major General Konstantinos Giovas; the Commander and Deputy Commander of the 1st Special Disaster Response Unit; the Commander of the Arson Crimes Response Division (DAEE); a Representative of the Chief of Staff of the Hellenic Air Force; and representatives of the Hellenic Army Aviation Command.

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