Awards to students who succeeded at the examinations for Higher Education Institutes by the Mayor of Maroussi Mr. G. Patoulis 2017
21 Nov '17

A special event was held at the amphitheater of OTEΑcademy; the Municipality of Maroussi honoured 588 public schools students of the city (among them the student with the highest score in Greece) who succeeded at the examinations for Higher Education Institutes in 2017. Honours and presents were offered by the Mayor of Maroussi and President of the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece, George Patoulis and the Secretary of the Executive Board of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, Dimitris Afendoulis, who rewarded the best students with a special gift.

In his brief welcome speech, Mr. Afendoulis said:

"It is our pleasure that for the second year we are at this great celebration, honouring the children of the city for their outstanding performance. It is our pleasure to see that this endeavour is embraced by parents, teachers and officials of the municipality alike. We also want to support students who are unable to move to another city to study, so that their efforts are not lost. Because we believe that development and, thus, the way to keep young people in our country, can only the result of such initiatives. I wish you successful and brilliant careers, good health and a lot of luck".

In the presence of teachers, relatives and friends of the children, the Mayor of Maroussi, George Patoulis, welcomed the event. Among other things, he said:

"Today we applaud the effort. Although these are difficult times for the country, education, and the local authorities, we stand by our children and do the best we can. Municipality, teachers, parents and social partners are joining forces for the sake of our children, their present and their future. We are very grateful to the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, which supports our city's finest students through the current reward program, as does the social scholarship program, which our Municipality has already announced, for freshman students who have been admitted to higher education institutes outside Attica. We believe that development comes through our common efforts. This is now our focus".

All successful students received honorary commendations. In addition, those who achieved over 18,500 points at the examinations received each a modern laptop computer by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, as a reward for their efforts.

Among the students of thirteen schools (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th Lyceums, the Anavryta General Lyceum, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Vocational Senior High Schools and the Anavryta Vocational Senior High School), 416 students were admitted to Universities and 172 to Technical Universities.

The names of the students per school have been posted on the website of the Municipality of Maroussi.

Click here to watch the event video.

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