Athens 2018 – World Book Capital

Athens was named the 18th World Book Capital for 2018, following the original proposal submitted to UNESCO by the Municipality of Athens in collaboration with members of the book and culture industry. The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation supported the initiative “From April 23rd 2018 until April 22nd 2019 the city reads. Books Everywhere! Stories to Live!”. A plethora of organisations, embassies, programmes of the Municipality of Athens, publishing houses, creative teams and individuals collaborated in developing the programme of events.

The aim of the programme with the main slogan “The city reads – Books everywhere!” is to spread the delight of reading, to encourage creative expression and to spotlight the significance of stories and narratives for our life in modern-day metropolises like Athens.

Book-related activities and events, such as the Moving Library and the Athenian Book Itineraries, cover all age groups and “activate” different parts of the city of Athens. Within the framework of the programme, exhibitions, talks, screenings and workshops that emphasise the association between the book and art (visual art, photography, theatre, music, cinema, comics, street art, etc.) are organised. Furthermore, educational activities and games related to books and reading are being implemented for children and families.

Throughout the project, world-accredited writers address the public and engage in discussions with Greek journalists, writers and poets through a series of talks, events and festivals.

  • By the end of November 2018, more than 400 events had taken place.
  • The number of visitors or participants in numerous AWBC events, including the 47th Zappeio Book Fair, is over 300,000


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