2018 Systematic Excavation and Restoration Programme

The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, for yet another year, supported the excavation and restoration work at the sanctuary of Apollo at the site of Mantra of Despotiko, which took place during the summer months of 2018. One of the most important archaic sanctuaries in the Cyclades, dedicated to Apollo (6th century B.C.), has been discovered at the site.

The results of the excavations were particularly significant, as two new buildings of the 6th century B.C. were discovered, the investigations of the buildings identified in 2017 continued and a number of findings came to light: an archaic kouros head, red-figure and black-figure kraters, inscribed shell vessels with the name of the god Apollo, bronze utensils and much more. 20 buildings are now known to exist at the sanctuary of Apollo, the size of which in the 6th century B.C. must have surpassed that of the sanctuary of Apollo at Delos.

Restoration and preservation work also made significant progress during the year. After the emplacement of the third column of the temple and the architrave above it, the monument has regained its third dimension and visitors can observe its size and grandeur even from the opposite coast of Antiparos.

  • All members of the scientific team and more than 60 student volunteers from universities in Greece (Athens, Ioannina and Crete) and abroad (Brazil, Argentina, England, Norway and Spain) participated in the excavation and recording of the material.


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