Monitoring the antimicrobial and antibiofilm potential of surface nano-coatings against pathogenic microorganisms

Nanofilm (NF) products are relatively new type of surface coating for domestic and industrial use. NFs are sprayed onto a surface and a thin hydrophobic protective film is formed. The aim of this study is the determination of the possible bactericidal activity of commercial compounds of nano-coatings and their effect on bacterial growth of common foodborne microorganisms like Salmonella Typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus and Yersinia enterocolitica. According to the European Food Safety Authority, these pathogens found to be the most responsible microorganisms for foodborne outbreaks. Furthermore, these foodborne pathogens will be screened for biofilm forming capability on stainless steel and glass surfaces that will be nano-coated. Because of their potent antimicrobial activity and unique mode of action, nanomaterials offer an attractive alternative to conventional disinfectants and due to their potent efficacy as biofilm inhibitors imports the idea of self-cleaning surfaces

This project was evaluated and funded as part of the Foundation’s effort to support research teams with all their members being under 40 years old.


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