Assessing the Educational Development of Children Aged 0-4 with Visual Impairment (with or without other disabilities)

The aim of this project was to create an objectively verifiable system for the evaluation of the needs of pre-school children in Greece with visual impairment (complete blindness or poor eyesight), whether they have other disabilities or not. There is a lack of quantifiable data in this field, so an innovative programme such as that proposed by ''Early Intervention'' urgently needs a reliable means of evaluation to provide teachers and parents with a way of ascertaining children’s needs, and of indicating how to prioritise and deal with them.

The team managed the project in the following stages:

  1. The team got in contact with German Blindeninstitut, which made available the system of the Early Initiative programme that is used there. The eBlindeninstitut’s collaboration and desire to help played a major part in the project.
  2. The German system was translated into Greek, in close cooperation with the Blindeninstitut in order to ensure an accurate translation.
  3. The system was adapted to Greek requirements, taking into account the views of psychologists, teachers, parents and children.
  4. The potential costs and availability of the necessary materials were researched.
  5. Professional input was obtained regarding the design of the two main documents, one showing developmental stages and the other a guide to the application of the system. Sufficient copies were printed to enable the system to be put into use throughout the country.

The system will be provided to the education and psychology departments at universities and technical colleges all over Greece, so that the needs of children with visual impairment and other disabilities will be fully taken into account during their schooling.


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