Training of Secondary Education Teachers

In the summer of 2018, 37 secondary school teachers from all over Greece travelled to CERN, in Switzerland, and through funding of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, attended an intensive 4-day seminar. The seminar is part of the Greek Teacher Programme, implemented in 2018 for the 10th year and aiming to promote innovative methods of teaching Physics through high-level education and workshops at CERN facilities.

During the seminar, the teachers had the opportunity to attend lectures by Greek scientists of CERN concerning scientific issues such as, among others, developments in the areas of particle physics, detectors, energy conversion, electronics, information technology, and their medical applications. They also participated in workshops, through which they had the opportunity to understand best practices in conducting scientific experiments, so that, in addition to the educational value, there would be excitement and stimulation of student interest. Many of the participants have already planned the implementation of activities for the current school year.

The most exciting lesson for the teachers was the construction of their own particle detector (Cloud Chamber) during the S’Cool Lab workshops. S’Cool Lab is an integral research and education facility that was used by teachers with the aim of implementing and testing their knowledge in an environment that was novel and innovative for them.

  • More than 600 secondary school teachers have benefited from their participation in CERN’s training programme.
  • 192 applications were submitted by secondary school teachers to participate in the educational mission in the summer of 2018.
  • 81% of participants stated that the particular experience contributed significantly to strengthening their self-confidence as teachers, and 84% stated it reinforced their motivation to impart the knowledge they acquired to their students.

“This was an experience that benefited us all on multiple levels, beyond the simple learning objectives. [Here] someone can grasp the possibilities for further technological advancements. [CERN] represents a place where people from different countries and cultures harmoniously cooperate and it offers opportunities for personal development for both educators and their students.”

“When you leave this place you feel richer in knowledge and experiences. It’s a miracle how people managed to build so great things in such a little time!”

“I would definitely recommend this Programme to my colleagues as I believe that every teacher should know about the research work of the largest scientific research centre in the world!”

“It is a unique opportunity for direct interaction with the place and people who create new knowledge and technologies!”

Impressions of participants from the field of education


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