“Latsis Foundation Study Abroad Scholarships” Programme

In 2020 the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, primarily aiming at enhancing access to education for young people, has launched a new collaboration with Deree – The American College of Greece. Beginning on the academic year 2020-2021 and for the next 3 years, undergraduate Parallel Studies students (Deree students, who study in parallel at Greek Public Universities) and full-time undergraduate Deree students will have the opportunity to pursue scholarships that will enable them to study at recognised universities in Europe and around the world during the summer or Fall/Spring semester.

The Deree Outbound Study Abroad Program (OSAP) aims at enriching the academic experience of students, by enabling them to develop their intercultural competence and global citizenship through education abroad opportunities. In the framework of this initiative, the “Latsis Foundation Study Abroad Scholarships” Programme will be available from the current academic year, with a view to providing deserving young people who find themselves unable to self-fund their studies abroad, the opportunity to grow both academically and personally, to acquire useful skills and to broaden their horizons through the multicultural nature of leading universities around the world.

The “Latsis Foundation Study Abroad Scholarships” Programme offers students access to an ever-growing global network of universities and other educational institutions where they can study for a semester or participate in summer courses and transfer credits earned abroad toward their degree.

  • In the next 3 academic years, 135 students are expected to earn a scholarship under the “Latsis Foundation Study Abroad Scholarships” Programme.
  • New York, London, Shanghai, Milan, Boston and Berlin are just some of the destinations of Deree students who have studied abroad under the Outbound Study Abroad Program.
  • The Deree Alumni Network has more than 59,000 members worldwide.

“In these unprecedented times, it is extremely encouraging to see organisations like the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation endorsing our mission of adding distinctive and sustainable value to our students, Greece and the global community. We are grateful for the Foundation that supports deserving young people to become global citizens and make a positive difference in society.”

Dr. David G. Horner

President, The American College of Greece


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