Focusing on the support of initiatives that promote the empowerment and social inclusion of vulnerable social groups, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation supported the programme “Special Olympics athletes break boundaries!”, aimed at the empowerment of girls and women with intellectual disabilities and their social integration through sports. Special Olympics Hellas is the largest and most active sports and educational non-profit organisation in Greece, and the only one specialising and focusing on the development and inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Through the Programme, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the 26 Olympic-type sports of Special Olympics, to participate in training programmes, sports activities and competitions of the organisation, and attend seminars on healthy nutrition, exercise, and sex education, while, at the same time, support is also provided to their family members. The implementation of this targeted Programme contributed both to improving the physical fitness and skills of the beneficiaries and to strengthening their self-confidence within an inclusive environment of acceptance and visibility.
137 girlsand women with intellectual disabilities participated in mixed activities involving athletes with and without intellectual disabilities in the framework of the Programme.
8 informative, 5 educational, and 6 sports activities were implemented in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Chania.
“I became a Special Olympics athlete, learned to compete and my life changed. Through Special Olympics Hellas I learned that sport makes us happier people. But I also learned something else: that women are strong and can succeed. I go to my training, play Bocce, see my friends and look forward to competing with my team. By playing Bocce we encourage other girls to take up sports. I believe everyone in my family is very happy for me because they see me overcoming obstacles and continuing stronger in my life!”